
琉球新報 1月31日版
●辺野古新基地に反対 東京で全国集会 6000人が決議採択

【東京】米軍普天間飛行場の即時閉鎖や名護市辺野古への移設に反対する「チェンジ!日米関係 普天間基地はいらない 辺野古・新基地建設を許さない1・30全国集会」(同実行委員会主催)が30日、都内の日比谷野外音楽堂で開かれた。沖縄からの100人を超える参加者を含め全国から約6千人(主催者発表)が集結した。普天間返還や辺野古への新基地建設反対、全国の米軍基地の縮小・撤去を求める決議を採択した。集会後、同公園から銀座の繁華街をデモ行進し、市民に普天間撤去や日米安保見直しも呼び掛けた。


琉球新報 1月31日版
“基地ノー”銀座埋め「米国にお引き取りを」 辺野古新基地反対集会2010年1月31日 



共同通信 1月30日 17:00配信
普天間撤去を、東京で集会 沖縄の市民ら約6千人




Thousands in Tokyo Protest US Military Presence
Thousands in Tokyo protest US military bases on Okinawa, minister vows fight to eject troops
By JAY ALABASTER Associated Press Writer
TOKYO January 30, 2010 (AP)

Thousands of protesters from across Japan marched Saturday in central Tokyo to protest the U.S. military presence on Okinawa, while a Cabinet minister said she would fight to move a Marine base Washington considers crucial out of the country.

Some 47,000 U.S. troops are stationed in Japan, with more than half on the southern island of Okinawa. Residents have complained for years about noise, pollution and crime around the bases.

Japan and the U.S. signed a pact in 2006 that called for the realignment of American troops in the country and for a Marine base on the island to be moved to a less populated area. But the new Tokyo government is re-examining the deal, caught between increasingly adamant public opposition to American troops and its crucial military alliance with Washington.

On Saturday, labor unionists, pacifists, environmentalists and students marched through central Tokyo, yelling slogans and calling for an end to the U.S. troop presence. They gathered for a rally at a park ? under a banner that read "Change! Japan-U.S. Relations" ? for speeches by civil leaders and politicians.

Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has repeatedly postponed his decision on the pact, with members of his own government divided on how to proceed. Last week he pledged to resolve the conundrum by May, just before national elections.

"The Cabinet is saying that it will announce its conclusion in May. For this reason, over the next few months we must put all of our energy into achieving victory," Cabinet minister Mizuho Fukushima said at the rally, to shouts of approval from the crowd.

Fukushima ? who has a minor post in the Cabinet and heads a small political party ? wants the base moved out of Japan entirely. Hatoyama's government must appease such political allies to maintain its majority coalition in parliament, and the public are increasingly vociferous on the U.S. military issue, even outside of Okinawa.

"I'm against having troops here. I'm not sure we can get them all out, but at least some of them should leave," said Seiichiro Terada, 31, a government tax collector who attended the rally.

Terada said he traveled from his home in the central prefecture of Shizuoka, which hosts a Marine base at the foot of Mt. Fuji.

The deal with Washington calls for the Marine base in a crowded part of Okinawa to be moved to a smaller city called Nago. But last week residents of Nago elected a new mayor who opposes the move, ousting the incumbent that supported a U.S. military presence.

On the other side of the debate, a steady stream of U.S. officials have petitioned Tokyo to follow the agreement and maintain American troop levels in Japan, with U.S. Ambassador John Roos on Friday calling them "front-line forces" in case of emergencies or security threats.

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■報告その1 記事
■報告その2 発言の要旨
■報告その3 デモ行進

●「普天間基地はいらない 新基地建設を許さない」のコーナーTOPへ
