Let's make post nuclear power sociey
4500 participants demonstrate to the Tokyo Electoric Power Company
œApril 24,2011
œTokyo Shiba-park
On April 24, Shiba-park in Tokyo. We had meeting and demonstration.
The title is gLet's make! de-nuclear power societyh. More than 4500 people
include Citizen's group, labor union, participated.
We prepared as a meeting of the 25th anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear plant
accident. However, we changed meeting contents in a hurry because an accident
of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant happened.
A guest from Russia participated in a meeting. He supports the victim of
the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident in Russia.
A woman, She evacuated from Fukushima. she talked about the situation of
a state and the refuge of the earthquake day.
A man who came from Fukushima, He worried about the health of children
who stayed in Fukushima. This is because it has effect of the radioactivity.
The participant did a demonstration to the Tokyo Electric head office.
It is the report of the photograph as follows.